A couple of weeks ago we found an email in our Inbox from the Vierfarben Verlag – a german Company that’s specialized in publishing technical books – asking us to review the newest Book of Scott Kelby – Lightroom 5. So a couple of days later we held it in our hands and our hearts just started beating a little faster than usual.
If you are or at least call yourself to be a phtographer (no matter if pro or hobby) and you have never heard of Scott Kelby slap yourself not to hard – but hard enough on the back of your head. And then start googling for this genius and teacher of Postprioduction workflow and great photographer or start here: www.scottkelby.com.So we had it in our hands: The newest Kelby!
The beautiful crafted book was very bright and colorful. This is actually a great way to start looking at this book – Colors. Each chapter has a different color and therefor it’s easy to find anything in the book quickly. Another way of looking at it is the easy to use Modules on the top of each page. The resemble the modules of lightroom and help everyone who has ever worked with lightroom before to quickly access the area that you are looking for.

Kelby brilliantly knows how to explain with a lot of pictures and examples the heavy technical details of Lightroom. The translation of the german version (we received a german Version of the book) is really fluent and well done.
Eventhough we already know a lot about Lightroom and have figured out our own personal workflow we did find a lot of usefuls tricks that we are already putting to use. Especially the so called Lightroom-Killertips at the end of each chapter have tons of stuff that even the craftiest pro might find really useful. The book is also made to be used right in front of a computer and while reading one can start using the tips and tricks right away.

We could rave so much more about this book from the great Scott Kelby, but we do think it’s so much better if you invest in this book yourself and finally you will be making an investment in yourself with the knowledge you get. All there is left for us is to give a huge thumbs up. It’s an absolute MUST BUY!
If you are interested – you can purchase the german version here: www.vierfarben.de/lightroom-5-fur-digitale-fotografie/3468/titel/
… and the english one here: www.amazon.de/Photoshop-Lightroom-Digital-Photographers-Voices/dp/0321934318/

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