Since quite a while now we have been thinking about taking on a part time help for FORMA photography. Our workload (and don’t get us wrong: we love our work) isn’t getting any smaller. Also the office load with wedding requests for 2015 coming in almost daily is getting bigger.
So Madlen’s application for an internship this summer came exactly at the right time. We got know here a little better during our first meeting in person and we’re really happy with our choice. Her sweetness and kindness combined with her cute personality made her a perfect match for what we we’re looking for.
… and what’s FORMA without love? At a shoot with Madlen we got to know her boyfriend Sandro. The two of them go steady for over a year now. We had the privilege to photograph this cute young love.
Dear Madlen, we really look forward to working with you and are happy that we found each other.
Greets m&M
PS: Enough with all the words – now we’ll let our pictures speak.

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