It has always been our goal to keep learning and keep getting better at what we do. That’s why our visit to the WPPI (the biggest wedding photographers convention) was a dream come true. After two months of preparation we finally tokk the flight heading to Sin City. After a 17 hours trip we finally arrived and were stunned!
About 15.000 crazy wedding photographers at the biggest convention of its kind and right in the midst of it all two photographers from Austria. Every day was packed with classes about very interesting subjects like posing, lighting and composition.
We had the privilage to shoot 3 (!!!) wedding couples (soon more on this) – and in addition to that we had two very romantic couple shoots (also more on this soon) in a ghost town.
It was a crazy week – so much happening around us but one thing stood out:
+ NO it was not meeting all the stars of the wedding world (we even got to know some of them personally),
+ NO it wasn’t seeing all the new products of more than 100 companies at the trade show (new wedding albums and other things as well),
+ and NO it wasn’t all the partying at CRAZY weddingphotographer-parties (yes we did party hard #supergeil)!
It wasn’t anything from the things mentioned above. But the best thing that we liked most about this week, was meeting so man new people (and calling them friends now) – THANX to all of you!
We do recommend all up and coming wedding photographers to take a chance and visit the WPPI. If you are interested and do have questions about it (ohh we had so many) – please feel free to mail us or just call us. We are glad to tell you about our experiences and will give you some useful tips.
We are counting the days to WPPI 2015.
Here are some impressions from Vegas:

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